water bugs (1)
D and the variety of insects whose life is associated with water bugs (Hemiptera) occupy an important place. The sunken living there and others on the surface, but they all need to breathe atmospheric air.
Today I will show representatives of three families of water bugs that live on the water surface. It is curious as to exploit the surface tension does not sink. For this series are water-resistant hairs on the end of the legs enough to support its weight.
The less specialized and more like terrestrial bugs are those of the family Veliidae . Hardly differ in their anatomy that we saw on the thistle corridor, but are able to walking on the surface and feed on other insects that fall into the water.
tank in my garden displayed a short period of time in spring and only a few adults. Some do not like him because apparently bred here, as much to my regret I have not seen juveniles, while still not have wings. There are populations and other species that do not have wings in the adult, is very common in close families of Hemiptera. I think the species is Velia Capraia. They run on water lilies as comfortably as on the surface of water.
The most common is Gerris lacustris, but I'm afraid you have to be a specialist and have the bug under the binocular microscope to be sure with his determination. They are most abundant in the pond and I can see both young and old.
The bottom photo photographed them in the Manzanares River, a little below the reservoir dam de Santillana and I think they belong to another species of the same family, Aquarius, but I dare not put a species name. There are a couple in intercourse and you can see that the female is full of white eggs which are transparent in the belly distended.
also were in a river in the Tea, near Monadriz (Pontevedra), the group photographed the light. They are in the backwaters and are attentive to any vibration telling them that an insect has fallen or is being debated in the water. Among them vehemently disputed the dam and have continued fighting to win over females, but never reached the river of blood.
They move breaks the long legs and socks, using the front pair to detect vibrations in the water. They also have a superb view, 360 degrees around, as evidenced by bulging eyes, like balls of pinheads. I spent many hours sitting by the water watching these insects and I have to admit that they've missed the odd bug to see how they hunt. The days when emerging winged ants, many of which fall into the water, becomes an opportunity for the banquet. The third and final
I will show is the family Hydrometridae, my favorite, with one species in our latitudes Hydrometra stagnorum. is a very small insect, just over an inch long, but is very narrow and very difficult to differentiate when walking on the water surface on its six legs fine, almost invisible, giving the appearance of floating in the air.
also predator, but feeds on tiny invertebrates, according to its size, which are just below the surface, put the bill under water and suck juices nails it internally. Mosquito larvae, small worms and crustaceans, such as water fleas, are their prey. They can walk the open water, but prefer to do in areas with floating aquatic plants and algae. Are also soaked areas of the shore among mosses and liverworts.
have wings very narrow, but can fly because their low weight. Are abundant in calm water and flooded areas where there is only a few millimeters of water. Also in my pond, but you have to get closer to the surface, almost touching the water with his nose so that they can find.
Much has been said about the usefulness of aquatic insects as indicators of water quality. Some even say that where there is potable water shoe. Not true, do not do the experiment. These three organic pollution bugs enough support but of course, can not withstand chemical pollution affecting the water surface. For example, detergents, which decreases the surface tension, causing the insects to sink and die.
I will show is the family Hydrometridae, my favorite, with one species in our latitudes Hydrometra stagnorum. is a very small insect, just over an inch long, but is very narrow and very difficult to differentiate when walking on the water surface on its six legs fine, almost invisible, giving the appearance of floating in the air.
have wings very narrow, but can fly because their low weight. Are abundant in calm water and flooded areas where there is only a few millimeters of water. Also in my pond, but you have to get closer to the surface, almost touching the water with his nose so that they can find.
Much has been said about the usefulness of aquatic insects as indicators of water quality. Some even say that where there is potable water shoe. Not true, do not do the experiment. These three organic pollution bugs enough support but of course, can not withstand chemical pollution affecting the water surface. For example, detergents, which decreases the surface tension, causing the insects to sink and die.
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