P August piles at the edge of the Parque Natural de las Salinas de Santa Pola, scorching heat and cooling the family on the beach of La Marina. However, I called more attention to the "back" to the beach. It is a small remnant of a dune system that tells us what were once many areas of our Mediterranean coast and its rich biodiversity, have now disappeared. You can not walk very much there at noon without fear of heatstroke, but it's worth spending a little time before or after bathroom. The most striking of the day a copy of Argiope lobata in the center of the vast fabric.
is an enormous spider, its abdomen is larger than a coin of 20 cents, with open legs would hold the palm of a hand. But that was not the first thing I saw before I realized that a kind of nylon thread through my way, felt it and that was tense and strong guitar string. I followed and it was next to a web of nearly two meters in diameter over a horizontal and vertical underground. That thread was one of the turnbuckles that was attached to trees and shrubs in the environment. At its heart, the great spider against two wire widths warning in case you fall prey to your network.
'm over dunes fixed by vegetation of pines, eucalyptus, occasional date palm and many plants of smaller stature.
Just off the beach first thing that I find myself in a wide band of grass knife Carpobrotus edulis, advancing from all sides, leaving bald scorched in the middle. Thus invade the ground and prevents the growth of native plants.
Once this border I meet a host of insects that fly, jump and run around me. The floor burns and gives the impression that this is the reason why the small hunter wasp for still settling and take off again in search of prey. Thanks to Julian, El Naturalista I have been placed in the genus Ammophila , jackets caterpillars. If the fact that its legs are red and hairy little worth something, according to the Insectarium virtual may case of Ammophila heydeni .
Other wasps are less sensitive and closer to one of their nests, the size of a soccer ball, placed in the middle ground, not a very good idea, but they seem very focused on their work.
not dare to put scientific name, so I settle for classifying at the genus level: Polistes sp .
As I said before, I could see many more insects in a short time. The cicadas sang on all sides challenging me to find them by sight, so do not get it. Lacewing fly with delicate lace wings very awkward, unlike dragonflies superficielmente resemble them. Some of them flew fast, which indicates that there is fresh water nearby. Grasshopper very alert, and almost impossible to photograph up to watch. Some bugs field, which showed the Carpocoris laying eggs in another entry . And suddenly, a rare black ball goes straight past my face, down to the ground and gets up again. I thought it was a beetle, the chase and see it fall again. I go ahead with the camera to take the picture before anything else and no time to focus. I did well, though the picture is very regular, because rose again and disappeared from sight forever.
Until I downloaded the image on the computer I had no idea what was (not) seen. See if you can guess before looking at another photo below.
I think it's a fly couple mating hunter of the family Asilidae. The abdomen long and sturdy legs ending in two cups and I suggest. For the most clueless know about the family of flies speak, I have a picture to a copy of another species, I found drowned in the pond house. This is:
They are very interesting animals, ferocious hunters of all kinds of insects and with a curious courtship behavior that I hope to get some time.
But behind the scenes of the beach would not be such if it was full of toilet paper, paper towels and trash. To this end he was afraid of finding someone with the ass in the air behind every bush. Let's see how he would explain that took pictures of insects and not pigs! A pity, do become latrines what should be a haven of biodiversity.
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