Sunday, March 27, 2011

Recommendation Study Abroad


Yesterday afternoon, used to be seen coming from the west a beautiful water curtains, plant the seeds of green manure Renasci let the family. This seed mixture is formed by arbejones or erbs (Vicia erbilia) or trepadella sainfoin (Onobrychis vicifolia) and white mustard (Sinapis alba ). These plants are highly branched taproots or which promote the disintegration of very compact land. Can be used as green manure, turning plants and burying them to plant the final crop later, but this seems a bit cruel. Another use, more to my taste, is that is cut and served as fodder for goats, admitting two to three harvests a year. It's a mix of seeds suitable for dry land. We've planted where last summer we put alfalfa, but was unsuccessful because the ants ladies took all the little seeds and took them back to their nests, making entries in their enormous cones germinated alfalfa seeds. These seeds are fatter, so I hope you do not do this again, although many agree ants can drag great things.

best thing is that after planting, a good rain fell, and has spread all good.


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