Monday, March 28, 2011

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People who spend many hours outdoors need to take care of our skin. The truth is that I'm thick-skinned, in fact sometimes I cut myself with something and I get no blood, because the surface layer of my skin is very thick. But the sun, wind and cold come to damage the skin more resilient. Commercial cosmetic products are often of great quality, but does not convince me one thing: most are in their composition oils from whales, yuyu total. That those responsible for these excesses are driven the spear where it hurts, preferably in the genital area, and we are on our own, easy to use things in the plant world. For dry skin, doing well the following: clean it with a cucumber mask, which is made by crushing a cucumber, one egg yolk and a teaspoon of olive oil. The mask is applied to the face and neck for 20 minutes, then wash the area with warm water. Once clean and dry the skin, soft tapping tones with cotton wool soaked in water marigold. The water is taking calendula flowers of this plant and making an infusion in water with them. Applies tibia.

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bruises, sprains and hemorrhoids: THE GREEN MANURE PLANT

This is another plant that has taken me several weeks ago head. A Boraginaceae. Until I got to know who is going ... and pretty name it: it is called viniebla. Catalan is the llengua of risks. has external and internal use, while domestic use is not without risks, so do not comment. For external use can be used in poultices to heal ulcers, burns, and thrombophlebitis. It is also a remedy for persistent hemorrhoids: for this purpose are used the roots of the plant, boiled or baked by placing them in a poultice. Also relieves bumps and bruises. For internal use does not seem safe, because in certain doses has a paralyzing effect.

This area is very abundant, and we have an area of \u200b\u200bone plump for vinieblas terraces. What a lovely name ... viniebla. And the glaucous color is gorgeous. Goats the craved when sprouted, but now grown, not eat them. Its scientific name is Cynoglossum cheirifolium. The exquisite flowers are purple.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

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Yesterday afternoon, used to be seen coming from the west a beautiful water curtains, plant the seeds of green manure Renasci let the family. This seed mixture is formed by arbejones or erbs (Vicia erbilia) or trepadella sainfoin (Onobrychis vicifolia) and white mustard (Sinapis alba ). These plants are highly branched taproots or which promote the disintegration of very compact land. Can be used as green manure, turning plants and burying them to plant the final crop later, but this seems a bit cruel. Another use, more to my taste, is that is cut and served as fodder for goats, admitting two to three harvests a year. It's a mix of seeds suitable for dry land. We've planted where last summer we put alfalfa, but was unsuccessful because the ants ladies took all the little seeds and took them back to their nests, making entries in their enormous cones germinated alfalfa seeds. These seeds are fatter, so I hope you do not do this again, although many agree ants can drag great things.

best thing is that after planting, a good rain fell, and has spread all good.

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People who live in self plan should be clear that we will certainly have to give up travel because it is very difficult nowadays to find someone who agrees to help out with the animals during our days off. And you know, what does not happen in a lifetime spent in a second, and we're sure last lap and all, but not good. Therefore, we have around us a sample of everything you need to nurture our spiritual side, without having to travel initiation. And look where this afternoon, browsing old magazines, I find this image of Lhasa, the Potala in the background. But ... this picture ... are Morita and Chivita! Do not tell me no! Morita, hornless, left, and Chivita with yours, right ...

immediately start looking for more spiritual signs, of course, we knew that we have the Golden Fleece, the ram Crisomallo, here in a position not too esoteric, putting Morao straw.

course! We also have a small satyrs Castor and Pollux, the living incarnation of Pan, the little god of the forests of Arcadia, flutist and bucolic, with horns and goat legs ... Also, Castor and Pollux, the twins were so fond of who asked his father after death Jupiter put them together in a constellation ever, were in the expedition of the Argonauts who sought the Golden Fleece closed circles.

To round off: Yes friends, to know that here, beneath this humble roof, shelters nothing more than the great mystery of Christianity ... we have the very Grail!

So, here we do not need to travel or move in search of answers ancentrales looking man: the answers are here. Would say that we needed a dragon, but ... look at this strange cloud ... (OK, a little deformed, but looks like a dragon flying toward the right).

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The asparagus is one of those plants that can go unnoticed perfectly. Not very photogenic, their leaves are so delicate that they must JOINING much to them to capture its texture. They are also typical of window plants of people together to give that a colonial aspidistra (some would say something decadent) to the houses.

But to me, I like asparagus for two things: one is cooking and vital, and the other is more poetic.

The cuisine: the green shoots of asparagus are born in spring have all the vital energy of the plant in their apices. Plant hormones that encourage the cells to reproduce are all concentrated in the stem powerful, dark green, earthy. And the other day we made a scrambled egg and garlic. And diuretics are exhilarating, cleansing toxins from our body.

Poetics: Once, years ago, was walking through a garden at dusk. Suddenly, I noticed a strong smell, a scent deeply, as elegant and ancient thing: I was right not to see what flowers came from. I went deeper into a corner where the smell was stronger, and there was the asparagus in flower, a tiny flowers, but with a powerful perfume, a scent of old house shaded. And this perfume is also on the farm, because last year I could smell a summer evening, and then looked through the grass in the beds by clearing, and found again, the asparagus, giving smell the sunset.

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Small samurais are already activated. They open their huge blue eyes and when I say things, look at you with his ears pricked. Have already noticed that the curtain can be a good element of fun, and are beginning to try to climb it. Soon will move from the phase ultrabebé, as I call, the phase babies wandering already a joke and very funny, because begin raids on the house to look around. It must then be preparing a tray with gravel to make their needs in it, learning everything at once. So tiny and so intelligent ... His aunt wants Troy
therefore, that has even made a little milk in her tits by if needed. I noticed the other day to touch his belly, was slightly swollen nipples, and gently squeeze them, oozing milk. How beautiful the animal world ... I remind you that Troy is a bitch.

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I'm thrilled! At last, after many days of free, look at the computer ... I could identify this plant from the photo, which is so abundant in this area. It is beautiful because the flowers are blue ranging from deep purplish red you see a alegrísimo. Classify the books had only been reached to determine it was a Boraginaceae. That certainly is a super nice family of plants, furry and medicinal them most, and is represented by numerous species in this area.

As this plant is called Lithodora fruticosa, herb known as the 7 bleeding, bloody and Aspro in Catalan. The plant is medicinal, but is not widely used today, and the substances it contains are poorly studied. Was used to remedy the unpleasant symptoms experienced by people who had very high blood pressure, formerly, to lower blood pressure, used the method of bleeding, expedited it, which consisted of cutting a blood vessel and allow blood to flow out of the body, so that the person's blood pressure fell to lower the circulating volume. With an infusion of this herb-like effects were achieved without resorting to such drastic methods.

These internal uses of plants, if they are not explained by someone they know well, I seem somewhat risky. I like the external use which have been traditionally shepherds, an infusion of flowers aspro used to heal wounds and sores on the skin of cattle. To save the plant and use it in time that is not in bloom, are collected and flowering tips are dried, but not direct sun, but in a shady place. Once dry, can be stored in a boat, and to use them, you have to make tea with a teaspoon of dried flowers in a pint of water, approximately. Wash their wounds or sores two or three times a day.

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Just get up, read the comment Machinga on trips we do, and it saddens me to know that their ideal of life is inconsistent with what they do in their day to day. Utopia ... but ... why not? Do not know how little can live. Electricity, workhorse of the world economy lately, and more that will be the final eclipse of oil (and are drilling to 9,000 meters deep in the seabed, are already in the past), electricity, he said, is so easy to live without her ... appliances, no deny their usefulness, but they are also expendable. The food: so delicious and easy to devote your time to your garden, which becomes productive as well as fertilizer and care you put soul ... Perhaps think in children: poor things, taking them to live in the woods, away from the customs now in force among the youth, customs, and keep it up, they will lead to isolation in his room tangled between social networks and obese from lack of exercise. Those children who, after a week of being on the mountain, sure, sure as hell would not want to return to Urbaniladia or tied ... (if not yet entirely agilipollado, of course). Week would be super-duper, of course, as they get them, with a snout that they reach the ground and answering in monosyllables.

is not a simple step, but as he said that: it is selling up and thrown. Rearrange life, a place you love, a born-again approach: to feel the blood running through his veins again, like when you were young and were going to do something new plan what kind of herd you like, what kind of cheese will do with milk, have plants for winter forage ... and seeing the wind, rain, sun, and feeling in the face.

Are you sure it's a utopia?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

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Yes. For months now, when they made the change to winter time, I explained that in my house for many years, the reference clock to mark the hours is this photo, a white porcelain clock is for me as the clock of the Puerta del Sol to the Spains. And it is not change my time. All the more reason now, in the Independent Republic of La Sisquella, keep more alive than ever the secular tradition of marking ourselves our hours. And now with our sundial, icing on the cake. Here the driver is the top, which tells us that now, in spring, because we can raise before the sun rises above the east, and have more time to enjoy our activities. Left
this watch imperturbable as a sign of independence of mind and the world nonsense general sovereign, which makes everything go ass to God.

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gin manufacture both as essential oils is very laborious and escapes us: on the first, we have no particular fondness for liquor so strong; and juniper oil, its design is very complex. Anyway, I should clarify that both the one and the other can be obtained from the two species of junipers, Juniperus communis and Juniperus oxycedrus. The first is on the underside of the leaf a single white line and the second has two white lines separated by a black. Of course, either one or the other does not go unnoticed in a walk in the woods: you remember them and Mother Nature made them, because prick like demons. Especially in summer, in shorts ...

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of clay balls filled with seeds so laborious that were rude to no trace. That's the margin, he spontaneously repopulated with marigolds and wild radish. And my balls Fukuoka ... nothing is known. It was not for lack of care, because until the spring rains have come, we have been watering regularly margin. Well, perhaps even missing some time for the germination of the rude ... do not give up for lost yet.

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There is an area in front of our farm view from here looks very interesting. So we grab our rods, the clique in full, and come to climb Mt.
The first impression is the huge size of these rocks are scattered on the hillside. In some there are cavities in which we do not fit us, but goats, which have come immediately to investigate.

These areas scattered rocks of enormous size are known in geology as chaotic rocky areas. But where do these huge stones? If we keep going, find a large rock shelter. On the outside, is grayish, with an inner wall orange. The orange color is due to the surface of the rock here has not been processed by the weather. And this is the origin of the rocks on the hillside are boulders that have fallen off the ledge, and have fallen rolling. The tour continues on a wild journey back home takes us through the ravine. We look for puddles left from the last rains, because goats are thirsty, go with an open mouth. We arrived at the pools, with great joy by the dogs, who do not hesitate a moment to get inside.

Once satisfied the thirst of the animals back home, little tired but very happy to have known more corners of this great place.

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Garlic is a rich source of potassium. In 100 grams of garlic is 400 mg of this mineral. Potassium is very necessary for our body. For example, it prevents the unpleasant muscle cramps, which are symptomatic of the lack of this mineral.Nuestro body maintains a delicate, interrelated balance between sodium and potassium, which are involved in renal function and in maintaining blood pressure. Today, humanoid diets contain little potassium. To eat garlic, spinach and bananas! But our friend
garlic teaches us that to give the land must be received before, and we must monitor to provide our friends with the nutrients they then want to find in our food. And where there are a lot of potassium? In the ashes of the wood we burn in our stove. So, inspired also because Alberto de la Finca El Celemín already done so, yesterday put the ash from the garlic from the garden. Entrecavé Previously, the land is now ripe for the work of weeding and mulching the area around the roots of our plants. Look how beautiful the giants and elephant garlic gave us Peret of Mora.
Of course, the ashes must be cold. Before placing it on the ground, tocadla. I, as I use the hands for almost everything, then I realize if it burns or not. Let it cool a day for another.

Friday, March 25, 2011

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Leo in the journal What Mussol, the publication of La Palma d'Ebre, that during the summer of 2009 had to make the church bells that indicate the hours will be cut off at night to Because disturbed the sleep of some urbanites, who went to complain to the council. It is what is called mobbing rural. I have been on the blood.
Immediately, I began to imagine ... once upon a time a town called Sherwood. The mayor called Robin d'Ebre. One day in summer, urbanites came from Nottingham were to town hall to complain about the sound of the bells of the church clock.
- We demand the immediate cessation of the chimes! The sheriff can not sleep with your damned bells, "one of the henchmen.
"Your orders will be complied with immediately," said Robin, with a half smile accompanied by a pronounced reverencia. "Follow up to the bell, my lord."
walked to the church, and Robin and the Sheriff of Nottingham accompanied by his henchmen, climbed up the steeple.
"Let's do a sound check," said Robin.-regulate the ringing of the bell to not reach your quarters at the Abbey where you are staying. To this end, to keep track of your hearing acuity, have the goodness to put your head beneath the lofty bell, my lord. " And do not move.
The Sheriff of Nottingham put his head under the hood. He then Robin took a huge mall, and gaining momentum, hit the bell with all his might.
The sheriff of Nottingham chromosomes will vibrate even twenty years later. He did not complain about the sound of the bells of Sherwood in his life. Of course, had to wear a permanent hearing aid.
thank Silvia let us issues published by The Mussol.

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About our farm, more specifically on a cliff below the road, a small cave. This morning we went to explore with the clique.
Humanoids, as we are big guys, we have hard to reach rough spots accessible. But beings goat and dog loved it pass pump. Gresca, the princess of almond race lives up to Yorkshire and gets into deeper cracks. Will sniffing around the ground, with great attention. Small, as is also big, is more limited. But the twins ...
turns out that they have entered into a very narrow crack, and never left. Both were slow, his mother has worried and started to call them, bleating angry. And nothing, not out. My husband has dragged on a bit of crack, so far has been able to get y. .. they were twins!
But the shock has passed away. This pair of firecrackers have come ... through a hole in the wall next door! The crack was a narrow path, and have been following up to find another way out. Shame not to have a micro camera to put them in a helmet on head, to see where you have gone and if there is any treasure chest ...

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natural purifier: THE LIVING Gargoyle

This beautiful plant is called Fumaria . identify the species is difficult, because there are many varieties and there are some unique to the Iberian Peninsula. But all are equally useful. For people who like to do in spring cleansing cures, is the ideal plant. Especially indicated when the impurities accumulated in the body present with skin changes like rashes and eczema. Taken regularly, helps normalize blood pressure if you suffer from hypertension.
To take it, is preferred to use fresh, making juice with it. But you have to add honey, because it is bitter, like a good cleanser that is. It is abundant in cultivated areas, but if there is no fresh plant infusions are 50 to 100 mg dry deplanta per liter of water, and take 3 cups a day.
It is a bench full of beautiful smoke it, violet and a yellow stain on the tip ...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

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gardens in many people like to place statuettes at the entrance columns. Give excellence to the door of the house and some see them as a sign of distinction. They come in various forms: heraldic eagle with outstretched wings, lions holding shields disheveled, horse heads that seem amputated body, Snow White, Dwarfs, discus thrower and a host of scantily clad nymphs and Greek teaching godling tits and the genital area Shaved about the taste of the owners. We
those living gargoyles, which are very stylish. Here you have two guarding the entrance to this maset derruído. The penalty is that they are difficult to keep still. Castor and Pollux in Greek cupids plan at the entrance to the ruin ... and also are beginning to come ahead of horned ... glorious topaz.

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And I do, singular, identify with, because my husband these exciting stories will slip coins and treasures. And here I am, leaving the eyes to see if I can read what they put the damned coins. The day you find a treasure full of Visigoth jewels and doubloons gold, will not say anything y. .. see. As I told you, find some old coins from a bush in one of our walks with the goats. One of them is in bad shape, completely disfigured and unrecognizable, except by the rim of the circle, which is striated. The material which is made to appear as currency in better shape, so we can see that is similar to it, except for one detail: the diameter is 23 mm, while the other has a diameter of 20 mm.
The next step is to try to do some recording. In the great can not read anything, but in small, on the front you can see the encuñación year: 1945 and the word SPAIN. And in the back, is a shield divided into four parts and embraced by an eagle.
For these data, I found that the coins are:
-the big one, a 10 cent coin of General Franco.
-small, a 5 cent coin minted in 1945, also from the Franco era. Both are aluminum alloy and copper.
Well, poor things, here they are again in human hands. The keep as aluminum / copper cloth ...
In the photos, coins of 5 and 10 cents in good condition. Images obtained in C3% B1a

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Sometimes simple food can be purchased new flavors and aromas simply accompanied by a good sauce. For a fun salsa, you do not spend money on foreign ingredients. We are going to make sauces autosuf with easy to find items. Opened the section with almond sauce. Needed:
a tablespoon of oil, a finely chopped onion, two cloves of crushed garlic, ½ teaspoon paprika, pinch of pepper, a bay leaf, a tablespoon of vinegar, 75 grams of ground almonds, 425 ml water, a teaspoon of honey and soy sauce.
are fried in oil the onion and garlic for a few minutes until golden. Add the spices and bay leaves and fry two minutes. Other ingredients are added and allowed to simmer for half an hour. Remove the bay leaf, and we have a sauce of almonds. Goes well with potatoes.

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The moon comes closest to the spring garden hedges

l Saturday, March 19 the moon was in the closest place to Earth, a phenomenon that occurs only every 20 years. Coinciding with the full moon and clear skies promised us good comments from our satellite. In fact, it was, and I enjoy doing various photographic evidence until I got this image which to capture an objective standard (100-400 mm) and not with a telescope, I left reasonably satisfied. We remembered the school some peculiarities of the orbit of the moon, for example that always faces the earth the same side of the moon, the visible face. Also that the orbit moon is circular and not elliptical like the planets around the sun. The latest news we have been taught that it is not exactly circular if it would not be possible that sometimes is closer than others. It is appreciated that from time to time the newspapers tell us these things and not just the misfortunes that happen around the world. Although in truth, hardly distinguish the moon is closer, which invites us to look at the sky is good news and that's why I brought the blog.

As I believe that what is seen in the photo is approximately equal to the view that provide binocular streams, used for bird watching, I labeled the more geographical notorious for encouraging future observations. The first step to meeting someone is to know your name, so here I present them: 1 .-
Endymion Crater
2 .- Sea of \u200b\u200bCrises
3 .- Sea of \u200b\u200bSerenity
4 .- Sea of \u200b\u200bFertility
5 .- Sea of \u200b\u200bTranquility
6 .- Tycho Crater
7 .- Crater Grimaldi
8 .- Copernicus Crater
9 .- Ocean of Storms
10 .- Sea of \u200b\u200bRains
11 .- Crater Plato

orientation is important. I did not want to turn the picture to match the upper north, as is illustrated in the most serious lunar maps, to be more faithful to what actually is in heaven. Broadly speaking, we can orient the pole with two of the most obvious craters Plato, the darker, north and TICT, the clearest near the south pole.
Anecdotally, we have a few years old that we remember that the Sea of \u200b\u200bTranquility is where Apollo 11 landed back in July 20, 1969. Do you not see the flag stuck there? ;-)
Other interesting subjects to explain the kids, in addition to cycle the new moons, quarters and full, is to ask the questions:
Why the moon has many craters?
Answer: by meteorites that have fallen on it.
Why on Earth does not?
There are two answers:
- Because having no atmosphere, meteors are not bounced or disintegrated in the fall, but it is easier to fall on the Moon than on Earth.
- Yes, many have fallen meteorites on the Earth throughout its history as a planet, but geological activity, the atmosphere and weather phenomena, as well as the effect of living beings, the traces of these craters have been erased from its surface, while the moon's craters remain intact for millions of years.
When the moon rises over the horizon Why is bigger?
The truth is that NO is larger, though we seem so. So is the sun at sunrise and sunset. Is an optical illusion because we see trees, houses, etc. we make use of reference. If we make a picture (I have) just over the horizon, and another when it is high, the size is exactly the same.

Astronomy is not my thing, but sometimes it is good to take the view the night sky ... if light pollution allows.