"I'm all that has been, is and all that will be. No mortal has been able to boost veil that covers me "- Plutarch, inscription of the temple of Neiht
" ... Neith the Great, The Mother ... you start the game when there was no delivery occurred. "
Tehenut," "the Libyan"
"that gave birth to Ra"
"The Haunted"
"Breastfeeding Crocodile "
" Mother Goddess "
Mother of all gods"
"Lady of the West"
Neith Neith, Nit.
is depicted as a woman the yellow skin that characterizes ordinary sex in Egyptian art and leads the Red crown of Lower Egypt or a shuttle loom.
representative symbols are: arc, two crossed arrows and sticks, with an owl. He was also represented as beetle, bee, cow, fish, lion-headed, and sometimes breast-feeding a crocodile.
Egyptian goddess of war and hunting, although it was considered the goddess of wisdom (some equated with Athena), whose cult proveniene predynastic period, the texts should be presented as a goddess before Ta-tenen and Nun. Wife Seth and mother of Sobek in the Old Kingdom, although he came from Sais was the wife of Sobek.
In the New Kingdom became the "mother goddess" androgynous creator of gods and men. It is said that, although a female deity, is two-thirds male and one third female and the father calls from parents and mother of mothers. Although the inscription is dated to the second century AD, we know the original source corresponds to a much earlier period, as its creative action are already contained in the Nineteenth Dynasty, particularly on the sarcophagus of Merneptah.
Goddess who gave birth to the universe through seven arrows (or seven words, they also said that created by the word) represents the primordial waters which gave rise to the primordial hill, texts appeared as a cow (like Hathor, Hesat, Ihet or Mehet-Urt) that emerges from the primordial chaos and helps out the sun. Legend has it that the goddess appeared first in the form of cows, simultaneously emerged from the primordial waters and swam north to find the fish lates, his partner, which in turn is another of his many transformations. Under the guise of fish lates, was venerated at Oxyrhynchus and Esna. This is the point of attachment to the myth of Osiris, it was believed that the fish was born from the wounds of Osiris (by contact with water) produced when his brother Seth killed him and threw his remains into the Nile According to local theology, the tomb of Osiris was located right on the temple of Neith at Sais, and she was the guardian of it.
Another center of worship was Esna, which was known as "The Terror", here was the wife of Khnum and the mother of Apophis, the Saite period is a domestic goddess and proclaimed it the "Mother of all gods", was also a funerary god, "Lady of the West", protector of the dead.
beetle-shaped, appears with some frequency in predynastic objects and in the Old Kingdom, in the form of bee, is connected to Lower Egypt and a of the five names of the monarch. In fact, in the city of Sais was commissioned a temple to the goddess who bore the name of The Bee House. Beneath its funeral and inventor of the tissue as a goddess, Neith is offering bands and the shroud for the body of the deceased to be buried properly.
In the New Kingdom became the patron of weavers, and in this role is confused with Tayto. From the Old Kingdom was the protector of Osiris, Ra and the king, defending his bow against the enemies of the night and the geniuses of the bad dreams, which numbed with arrows.
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