Saturday, April 28, 2007

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Hecate Goddess of the dark of the moon
Goddess the silence of the night
Queen of the spectra
Queen of the crossroads
Protection of Warlocks
Goddess of darkness
Goddess of the Moon's shadow
Contrary to popular belief
Hecate was not a Greek goddess, was unknown to Homer and his oldest written references
in Greece are
Hesiod's Theogony . Your place of origin is uncertain
but believed it was in Thrace
where his cult originated by the large number of followers
I had in those lands. Her shrine was more important
Lagina, where the Goddess was
served by eunuchs. In Thrace
played the role of governor of the thresholds, or transit points and
of the Wild, was also
recognized later as patron of childbirth (for newborns
also cross a threshold) and parenting adolescents.
also had a sanctuary dedicated to her
the Temple of Artemis / Diana at Ephesus
was represented as a triple goddess
for the first time in the classical Greek period of the late
V, is shown as a triple goddess holding a
torch, a llve and a snake, but there
evidence before that date was represented
single form. Was also described as late
with three heads, one dog, one of
serpent and one horse, but the triplicity of Hecate was mostly
described with three bodies,
instead of three heads. In a marble relief of the fourth century BC in
Caranón (Thessaly) shows Hecate
with a dog beside her, placing a crown on the head of a mare
, his assistant and representation
animal was the dog.
Goddess Hecate was honored by Zeus himself,
as seen in Hesiod's Theogony:
"Hecate whom Zeus the son of Cronos honored above all he sought
splendid gifts, to have a share in the land
sterile sea. She also won in
item that confers dignity and
starry sky is honored by the gods immortal. [...]
abused her in anything nor will the son of Cronos
removed anything that was in luck among
first gods, the Titans, but their
powers are the same
had from the beginning. "
So it appears that this power
covered the three realms: land, sea and sky, becoming the protector
shepherds and sailors.
As her cult was spreading to areas
Greece, presented a problem because
the role of Hecate and was exercised by other Goddesses as
Artemis / Diana and Nemesis. So things
developed two versions, one
depicted as a priestess Hecate
mortal commits suicide and becomes the goddess Artemis
avenger of the injured women. The second version
put Hecate as one of the midwives who attended the birth of Zeus

goddess of sorcery Hecate statues adorned the doors of the
cities and houses as a form of protection
the danger of spirits. Invocations were made
her as Supreme Governor of the borders of
this world and the spirit world. So
was seen as a Goddess of the crossroads, it was believed that the
moonless nights, she wandered with a pack of dogs and spirits
was connected to the dark of the moon, as was the
Artemis is identified with the moon light.
His status as Goddess of the crossroads
also was associated with divination (ability to see the
past, present and future) and favored
prophetic dreams to their followers.
Hecate as the other goddesses of Witchcraft,
remained without joining anyone, nor had children,
although it was seen as a protector of children and fertility
. But not only provided protection in the delivery
women, but the good
birth and growth of children and in later times
also said that helping people
dying to take the plunge into another world.

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Marí, also known as The Lady of Amboto (or Amboto Witch), The Lady of Aralar, The Lady of Arrobibeltz, The Witch Aketegi and many names depending on where aparesca, is the chief deity of Basque mythology.

From it is said to live in the mountains of Euskal Herria, the main Amboto Mount on its eastern side, but sometimes changed residency across the sky like a fireball. Marí being a god or spirit of nature attributed the gift to bring good or bad weather, causing storms and drought.

is said that she lives in caves and even people went there to ask for favors or advice, common practice was to throw stones at the caves to seek favors from Mari, of course there are rules to respect, and never turn your back, or talk about "you." According to some Mari is presented as a very beautiful lady, dressed in red with long hair to be combed pleased with his golden comb, fans who apparently shared with Lamia, whose appearance was human beings but who had extremely poultry and living in rivers or the shore of them.

was a just God punishing lies and cheats. She also had a companion called Suggar, Irasugue, male or snake, a being who also lived in caves and had a snake. It was said that when Mari and joined Suggar sexually big lightning storms ocacionados

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Holda is the patron of all the housework for women, but especially in the spinning wheel, an activity strong magical connotations. She rewards those who work hard, but punishes the lazy. Holda is also associated with slavarjes animals and lonely places away from men. Holda's festival is in the middle of winter, people associated the period where the dead roamed. Was associated with fog people thought was the smoke of his fire.
generally seen as the girl without children, but was protective of children, a good spirit that would turn the wheel if some kid got hurt while his caregiver fell asleep. Also the owner said a large sacred pool through which the souls of newborn children entered the world. Many cells, wells or sources associated with it in Germany and young women bathing in icy waters in hopes of becoming fertile and become healthy mothers.
In northern regions of Germany is said to Holda leads a procession of the dead, while in southern Germany described Perchta surrounded by souls of children are born or who died before they were baptized. This indicates the dual role of Holda as a protector of souls entering and leaving this world.
Holda's connection to the world of spirits and witchcraft was marked by the Catholic German folklore. Described it with witches riding on broomsticks and was often identified with Diana, in old church documents. Since the beginning of the eleventh century was known as a leader of women and the spirits at night. These women would leave their homes in spirit and out through closed doors in the dead of night, leaving their husbands sleeping, flying would travel long distances to large banquets or battles the clouds. In church documents made it synonymous with Diana, Herodias, Bertha, and Abundia Richella.

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"I am the goddess of the ambrosial courts, And hence saving
, Queen
surpassed by none whose temples whiten this world
Over the sky I roll
my shining moon,
I pour out Hell on
my pale people peace, On Earth
I, protect your creatures, guard
decade wolf pregnant and yellow
fox hides, and for each breeding
inexperienced mother with a pen,
And all the love of
lone green places they frequent. "

Worshipped in ancient Rome as a goddess of hunting,
fertility and childbirth, associated with wild animals and forests
was usually portrayed with a
bow and arrows and accompanied by hounds or deer
. As Goddess of fertility and childbirth
had a privileged place among women. After
was associated with the Greek goddess Artemis and
view as a Lunar Goddess. The wooded oak was especially sacred
for her, like the forest that was
on Lake Nemi at Aricia in
Latuium where torchlight processions were made in
their honor on 13 Agosto.Fue then seen as patron of people
lower class and was known as Queen of the Fairies and Witches
, identifying with the Goddess Hecate Goddess
seen as the realm of cult Muertos.El Diana was extended in ancient times and continued to attract followers
for centuries.
This study is a product of research and books: Professor Carlo Ginzburg (the profesordel Italian Renaissance studies at Univ deCalifornia in Los Angeles), Professor Ernesto DeMartino (professor of history of religions enCagliari Univ , Italy), Professor Cardini (profesorde history at the Univ of Florence), and JulioBaroja (Anthropologist)

In his book "The World of Witches, Julio Barojaescribe Southern Europe:" There seems haberprosperado a cult of Diana in the ages 5 and 6th Year seen as a goddess of trees and fields (forest ), except for those trying dedesarraigar their worship, and who saw her as undemonio. " I also add that the cult also adorabaa a male deity called Dianum.Regino of Prum wrote that the bishops of Italy concerned reinosde these cults, and stated that "... ride at night to certain bestiasacompañando to Diana, goddess of UNAGRO pagans and number of women who cover grandesdistancias in the silence of the night to deeper yobedecen orders of the Goddess "
The following chronology will demonstrate the continuation ofthis" Society of Diana "through the siglosllegando to more modern times.

1006: In the nineteenth book of the Decretum asocial worship Diana by the common pagan people.
1280 : The diocesan council of asociael Conserans witch cult to the worship of a DiosaPagana.
1310: The board of associated Tier laDiosa witches with Diana (and Herodias)
1313: Giovanni writes in his HistoriaeImperiales Matociis "many people believes in a society nocturnadirigida by a queen they call Diana.
1390: The Inquisition of Milanese woman accused depertenecer the "Society of Diana" confesóadorar her the "Queen of the Night" and indicated that recibiobendiciones of Diana.
1457: 3 women in Bressanone quepertenecieron confess to the "society of Diana" (according to Nicholas of Cusa loregistrado.)
1526: Judge Paulus writes Grillandus lasbrujas city of Benevento worship a God a site near an old oak.
1576: Bartolo Spina writes in his list of Strigibus deQuaestico Info, witch deconfeciones compilations on Adian night worship and spirits of the night.
1647: Peter Pipernus writes in his De nuce MagaBeneventana and De Effectibus MagicISO Violanta mujerllamada confessed the worship of Diana in unlugar next to a city biejo deBenevento oak.
1749: Girolamo Tartarotti Adian associated with the ancient cult of witches in his book From CongressoNottorno Delle Lammie.
1890: The author Charles Leland delas Bruges cults associated with Diana as an ancient survival of work experience in his book on the Etruscans "Magic Etusca and remedies hidden legends Florentine"

Sources for this material: Ecstasies-understanding of the Sabbath Brujas.Batallas
night witches and cults agricultural
(porGinzburg) Etruscan Magic and remedies hidden deFlorencia.Aradia
legends, the evengelio of the Witches (for
CharlesLeland) World of Witches (by Julio Baroja)