Thursday, January 27, 2011

Letter To Patients Announcing

The Vulture

In the limit between being
individual and colonial.

In spite of the danger, has always fascinated me this animal group (phylum), the Cnidarians , formerly known as Coelenterata. The common feature of all is a type of stinging cell that does not exist in any other group. However, the variety of shapes, colors and lifestyles of this group is impressive. In fact ranges from hydra pools (we studied in school and have rarely seen since), the reef-building corals, anemones and jellyfish scare us both on the beach. And some animals that are not known, nor the general public or by scientists.
But what strikes me is neither the danger nor the extraordinary beauty of one of its components, but many of them forced me to wonder what is the concept of the individual in the animal kingdom.

Junior or Portuguese caravel, Phisalia phisalis ,
photographed on a beach in Mozambique.
This photo shows the small size of the specimen. However,
the tentacles of this animal can move 30 meters in length.
Possibly it is a very young colony, since only a polyp is seen hunter.

An anemone is clearly an isolated individual, that it grows much comes to divide and produce two new copies, which are separate and independent life. But a branch or gorgonian coral, which are produced by budding new polyps that remain together for life to a common base, "are still individuals but never be isolated? Science tells us says yes. Among other things because they all perform the same function in the colony. This brings us to the concept of colonial animal, which in some cases all members of the colony are the same, while in others there are majors and some are involved in prey capture, digestion and others, for example, others only reproduction. In one of these colonies an isolated individual can not live if it has the support of other specialists. What is then the individual?

In the photos above and below, these jellyfish-like animals are they individuals or colonies? Well, not really jellyfish are colonies of polyps that have a common portion. In the two species that I put in pictures, even of two different orders, the Portuguese man up and down Velella agree that the colony of polyps hanging from a raft.

The animal (or animals) in the picture below belongs (or fall) to the species Velella Velella, a disk less than 10 cm in diameter that floats on the sea surface with a fold at the top shaped candle and a small number of polyps that hang from its lower

Velella Velella also found stranded on a beach in Mozambique.
The drawing is a schematic of a cut made in their medium and in it we see the communal area (consisting of the disc and the wing) and polyps units: In the center is a large polyp, called gastrozoide, which is responsible for digesting food (small fish and other critters) in the outer edges of a polyp transformed into mere tentacles hunters (dactilozoides) loaded with stinging cells, and among them, three rows of polyps players (gonozoides), which is dedicated to producing children by budding.
polyps are actually doing the function organ, which would coincide with the digestive system, arms, and the reproductive system in a more developed animal.

With those children who commented that are produced by budding comes another thing that I love of these animals: two generations to look completely different animals. Because those suckers are not new Velella similar to those of photography and drawing, no, that would be easy. What is occurring in this small jellyfish polyps players are very simple and nothing like this animal (or animal colony). These medusillas not float, are able to swim and are the sexual generation, with gonads that produce eggs and sperm. Their fertilization it produces an egg from which a larva that eventually produce a new colony floating, not without several body changes.

The Velella are from time to time on English beaches and are not at all dangerous, but the Portuguese caravels are the "jellyfish" more dangerous out there. The bite of a large specimen with many tentacles several meters long, can kill a person. In our coasts, both Atlantic and Cantabrian and Mediterranean, have been enough examples in recent years. Then I link two notes of prey, but any search will give us many more, as well as information about its danger, the effects and treatment of bites.

- News of The World in the Mediterranean.

- Basque Journal in the Cantabrian Sea.

A final curious aspect of these species is their ability to be carried by the wind, but either way, but thanks to the orientation of its body floating or sailing, as in a boat can heel over to different directions and not necessarily in the same wind that marks the sea current.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How Do I Know If My Rook Is Infected

SOAP HONEY AND COCOA - Course in Madrid (Sold out!)

This is the latest invention. I have ordered a honey soap and cocoa but take little dye. We know that soaps without colors are very dull and the client wants to be as natural as possible while striking. In this way we get two things: the soap is all without dyes, except for a small capita in the backing white background, with Dioxide Titanium and some touches of black, yellow and blue. Is funny, attractive and will go with two washes in the shower. This technique allows a variety of designs and decorations while soap can offer very, very natural.

As for the course of Madrid, take the opportunity to say that the squares are already covered by day 5 in the morning and afternoon sessions. By Sunday morning there are no high spots. Thank you for your trust and I hope to show you this that you see above and more. We

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Is It True That If You Shave


Here are the latest soaps I did last year and had not yet ascended to the blog for lack of time. The call "ethnic" because the truth is that I do not know how to call them. They are made with a technique I use a lot lately because it allows decorate a batch of soaps in many different ways.
Well, what we are .... the March 5, Saturday I will give a course in Madrid for all of us who are asking me. The groups have to be very small (8 people) due to space. As I will be there for a weekend, try to do several sessions if demand requires. Those who are interested, write to to

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Underwear Under Singlet

jellyfish NO eclipsed in fog

sta E could have been an entrance to a meeting of photos which had real desire to do: Try a 400 mm zoom lens, the vultures around a carcass in an easy to photograph and also if there was little demand, a dawn of solar eclipse.
But there has been a fog of "mashed potatoes" has prevented us almost completely. At least we were able to reach a conclusion. When there is a carrion available late in the afternoon and check them vultures up in full evening dinner, do not become the vulture to sleep, even if they are close as in this case, but up to a nearby tree waiting dawn.
The dead kid will not last long in the field, not because of the vultures, but because it has to be collected, as required by law to be incinerated. We have to hurry, gentlemen, vultures, and splice breakfast with dinner.
to see when this nonsense ends to remove the carcasses from the field and let the vultures perform their duties alone. The mad cow problem is not because of carrion, but by giving cattle feed containing meat.
Junipers and oaks
Fog offers a nice walk and finger to the camera can not be contained, but the results are not what they could have been.
Does the sun? Eclipsed itself but fog.