Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Most Liked Smirnoff's Ice Flavors

orgy Day for

T ermine with the notes of a very productive field day in mid-August between the Najarra and the peak of the Bailanderos. In addition to spiders and butterflies, again I found some old known Steropleurus stalii, we saw last year and already shown in this post " The buzzer mountaineer." Then it was time to start, in the month of October, at Seven Peaks. Now I found a large gathering of copies uploaded on the broom. And though I looked good eye, photographed without hesitation. singing males and females, were engaged in courtship and copulation. While there I caught a couple at the time any more privacy, with its abundance can shoot without disturbing examples of both sexes and the two main colors from green to brown, almost black.
females, as we saw in the other input, have that kind of style, ovipositor, to make a hole in the ground and put in it eggs. Males, however, as we see below, none.
male specimen

Green Female

Female dark.

But what is it about the female end of the abdomen? At first glance it may seem that we are eggs, but the animal is in the branches of broom has no logic, because the lay buried in the ground. That is a strange gelatinous spermatophore, a package that is full of nutrients together with sperm. The female will absorb its contents to fertilize the eggs. Once its function, it seems, it is not strange that the female consumes the spermatophore remains. Similarly, many animals die after exhausting sessions and female reproductive survivors do not forgo the opportunity to consume, they are predators and, if the opportunity arises, cannibals.
few days later, wanting to release a new flash, I went to visit the broom in search of females mated, for they were already laying eggs, and ... Absolute failure! After two hours dedicated solely to searching in the same broom which had been the party gave up the attempt and returned the car with his head down, to find a male solo right at the edge of the park, perched on a herb, and surrounded by trash. Maybe by mid-October, the same as last year, is when they come out. No I doubt that I'll try again.
Finally, a caveat: There is a very similar species, Ephippiger Ephippiger , which is also quite abundant in the Iberian peninsular, but it is not very high mountain and the star of today. In addition, Steropleurus stalii is very abundant in the central system and almost certainly to see the cicadas in the mountains in this area will be from this species.
For those who have doubts, I invite you to look for the two species in the web of biodiversity virtual to try to assess differences in the hand of a true expert.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Dye Hair At A Salon

mountain cicadas Butterfly mountain and the wind

S ollowing the bugs seen in the area of \u200b\u200bPuerto de la Morcuera last Sunday was an event that caught my attention and I find it interesting to note in this book shared field.

While ascending the peak of Bailanderos was pleasantly cool, not just a slight breeze, the descent could not say the same. Time to move on the slopes of the Najarra, when thinking entertain with the camera, began an uneasy wind would not let me take pictures of insects in peace. Yet I armed with patience and tried to do I could. I can not say that the results were quite remarkable, but, as usual, I excuse in its documentary value and not artistic, that is what is intended.

One of the butterflies flying this day at the top of the Sierra, was the nymphalid Melanargia russiae , known as medioluto mountaineering. So inn on the ground took the sun, just when the wind started and the Butterfly was dragged up the slope. To locate every time you flew my daughter helped me at one point, to his surprise, he exclaimed, dropped dead!

Indeed, this is the sensation it produced and repeated it three more times. Each time the wind was left raging suddenly fall to the ground and lay down. That allowed me to take a picture of the back of the wings to ensure identification. Not sure if it a dual strategy, keep the wind and play dead on the ground camouflaged, which was very similar color, or just for one reason, but obviously this is a behavior of the species he repeated several times.
is seen that the specimen has the wings frayed and quite faded, mid-August is the end of its life cycle and these will be the last we see this year. The caterpillars spend the winter hidden among the mountain grasses are their food plants under the snow and ice. This is the medioluto more typical of Iberian mountains. As we go down we will see in conjunction with other more cosmopolitan, but at the top, just left it.
Another mountain is Satyrus Actaea, called by the common name funny black satyr.
Because there was a lot of copies in a sheltered place, I could make some more decent picture. This species, biology very similar to the previous one, is also the end of their flight period began in July. A mountain species only gives them time for a generation.
In the photo above, in the background, looks a female specimen which is clearer and more contrasting colors than the male, seen in the photo below.

Last summer I did a pair of tickets to the mountain butterflies as the main protagonists, but not on these two species

Monday, August 16, 2010

Need To See A Doctor For Green Phlegm

Eresus, a spider with family life

E e are accustomed reading and listening to horrific stories of "black widows" who have eaten their husbands in the world of spiders. I will not be sure that this can not end up occurring in the species found yesterday in one of our walks in the Sierra de Madrid, but the literature says that in this species male and female live together sharing nest for a while.
This beautiful chandelier with more than a centimeter long is a male of the species Eresus cinnaberinus , even in books and articles a few years will find the name of Eresus niger.
The females of this species are nearly twice as large, but do not have the abdomen as colored, are black or very dark gray, although some have reddish chelicerae.
For people who like spiders but we have deepened the understanding and identification of many species exist, this is one of the most appreciated and distinguished at first sight and for many that are rare, with those colors are easily on the rides in the countryside.
This I crossed paths at the foot of the peak of the Najarra, near Puerto de la Morcuera. Most of the quotes that I found in Spain relate to events in mountain areas. I've ever seen in my garden, which is just over 1,000 m above sea level in the other times, always at higher altitudes. As you can see is something like a miniature version of the big, hairy spiders, tropical, highlighting a well-developed chelicerae, which indicates that the immobilization of their prey does not depend on the spider but do a good grip and inject enough poison. The Eresus live in silk-lined tunnel about 10 cm deep, hidden among rocks and roots of plants. The inlet cone is poorly developed, not so much a fabric of capture as a warning that a dam passes by. Prey animals are often life on Earth as small beetles, spiders and other myriapods.

In late summer the males wander about looking for the nest of a female and when it most easily be found. No need to fear spiders as well as other partners because their great indeed, only go to live with them and share their food. It seems that once their reproductive duty may become eaten, although it is unclear who is not after death, because after playing in any event, usually death.

The female lays eggs in a silk-wrapped package and puts them out of the tunnel or under the weather so you always have the best conditions of temperature and humidity. When pups are born, live with his mother and thus pass autumn and winter all sharing the same nest. The mother may die of old in this period (at the age of four years) and then harvested for their offspring the food available in the same way she did with her husband. According

database Iberian fauna and the web of spiders Iberian Peninsula in the two species of the same genus E. and E. solitarius sedilloti. There are also references a species derived from North Africa: Eresus albopictus.

Another species of a genus of the same family, although not as colorful, is located in the southern half Peninsular: Stegodyphus lineatus. The family of the EREs, has some 100 species of African and Eurasian distribution. Edito

to add an appointment I had read but was unable to verify:

In his book "The Garden of the Gods", the third in the trilogy of Corfu Gerald Durrell delicious pages devoted to the species Eresus niger but I fear that in the Greek islands this is not the species present under current nomenclature.