Tuesday, December 23, 2008

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The ability to change skin of this reptile, became a symbol of regeneration, rebirth, and eternity. In different cultures, mythologies and religions, the snake has embodied both positive and negative forces. Knowing good and evil embodied the symbol of wisdom, the Hindus have a word to call it snakes and wise.

Its symbolism is twofold, first death embodies their relationship with the underworld, but also represents life and rebirth cyclically to renew your skin and "emerge" from the ground. He has been accompanying many Gods and Goddesses, and was herself one of Them. India speaks of Ananta, the cosmic serpent is coiled at the base of the cosmic axis. Means "without end" and symbolizes the cyclical development and resorption of the universe. Located at the base of the world, at the nadir, and it is their support.

The snake is associated with the knowledge that emerges from the bowels of the earth, is united to the wisdom of Mother Earth and shares the processing power of the moon. During the Bronze Age and Iron, the Mother Goddess had many names and always was associated with snakes. At the same time is a phallic symbol, clearly male, repeated self-regenerating duality.

QUETZALCOATL "The Plumed Serpent"

Quetzal: Ave, pen.
Coatl: Snake.


God, considered by some as the chief god of the Aztecs (but also of the Toltecs, Mayas, and Olmecs kukulcan). Because they considered that the whole universe has a dual nature, the Toltecs believed the Supreme Being has a dual status. On the one hand, creates the world, and the other one destroyed. Destructura part of Quetzalcoatl was embodied in the God Tezcatlipoca, "the smoke in the mirror", whose etymology is: Tezcatl, "mirror", I, "his" Little, "smoke." This was sometimes seen as a rival to Quetzalcoatl, while others were seen as "opposite his twin brother.

In the Nahuatl language, coatl, besides meaning "snake" also means "twin." Although the official version is that the twin brother of Quetzalcoatl is Xolotl, the god of lightning, ghosts, the underworld and Venus the evening star, like Quetzalcoatl was also related to Venus as a star morning. Represented as a dog and deformed feet, accompanied the sun in its journey to the underworld. In water as it relates to the Axolotl (Xolotl-Atl-water monster) commonly known as "Axolotls.

Quetzalcoatl, was considered the god of wind, and the art of the goldsmith, the corn crop. The serpent is identified with the water that runs off the land, rivers and springs, and at the same time be closely connected with the earth. In the Codex Laud, Quetzalcoatl is seen as wind blowing on the water, sitting in the water, showing their genitals, representing the breath of life and fertility.

Mayans called him Kukulcan - uk'um and kaan k'u 'pen and serpiente'-each year you can see how a snake formed by light rays traveling down the main staircase dela pyramid of Chichen Itza on the equinox in March and September. Perhaps because of the climatic environment of the Yucatan Peninsula and Guatemala, as well as Kukulcan or Gucumatz was known, was considered not only the God of wind, but thunder.

Sugaar-MALE SNAKE. Basque Mythology *

also called "snake." It is said that this númen or mythological being across the sky as a figure of fire (like a "partner" the Goddess Mari). The popular belief that this event heralded said storms and tempests.

usually lived in the basement, and underground pipes used to reach other caves: Uztei (in the bush Balerdi) another in the pit of Agamenda and Sugartzulo of Kuutzegorri in Ataun to name a few. He said

Lope García Salazar in "Chronicle of the seven houses of Biscay and Castilla "in 1954," Sugaar married a princess of Mundaka and the marriage was born John Zuria, first Lord of Biscay. Also called Sugoi, name arratiano sometimes she seems like a snake or a man. In Azkoitia Maju Maju or call him and says the popular memory is the husband of Mari. They say they are every Friday and when they are together they form strong storms "

Sugaar The snake was observed in the cosmogony of the Basque witch and Akelarre met on Friday by the union just Sugaar and Mari. It was described as a huge snake that frightened the only view and that moved at high speed against the sky and its underworld. Some scholars think that this is the next "masculine" of the Goddess Mari. In the valley of Arratia (Bizkaia), there are a few legends that say that sometimes Sugaar has been shown in human form, even to interact with locals. Dice

Sorginkova: AR (from Sugaar) animal is the male principle in the language of Euskera, while Sugar is translated as "Tongue of Fire." Sugaar name analysis reveals the flame of a fire ("sacred?) That acts as an enhancer of male first court undoubtedly savage and primitive, a power that's sort of a sexual nature and fertility. This is quite remarkable considering that in the legends, as we have seen, Sugaar has an undeniable tinge of sexual union with Mari on Friday causing a furious storm and rain, while at the same time, the phenomenon of the rain itself is mythologically represented as the semen of Heaven (Ortzi) Amalur fertilized womb. For rather obvious reasons, the survival of paganism reflected in the Sorginkeria (Basque Witchcraft) noted carefully these days, and said with great importance. "


Minoan religion based on the figure of a Mother Goddess cult and the consequent fertility was represented by the figure of the Goddess of the Serpent, also known as The Lady of the Labyrinth. Another very important sacred symbol in Crete was the Toro, which represents the fertilizing power, strength and life.

Although much remains unknown about this culture and religion, and not just the experts agree, is obvious to the observer of the nature of the message symbols of the serpent and the labyrinth. Again, his image as being that possesses the quality of rebirth itself, to stop being and become something new to moult appears as a symbol of initiation, a journey to the afterlife and return, which of course is reflected recalling the cycles of "death" which is sacrificed for the return renewed and fertile land. We know, for example, caves were considered sacred and religious sites, possibly as an entry to the underworld.

The Minoan religion is clear that the tree, pillar, column, represents the sacred center which enables communication with the supernatural, the communication between the "top" with the world "bottom" and in turn, connecting the physical world with the supernatural world. The place where this occurs is the sanctuary, represented as a mountain, like a fence. In this area, the snake would be the passenger, sliding down the pillar-tree-column between worlds, bringing wisdom and renewal of one world to another.


Asclepius or Aesculapius to the Romans, says he was the son of Apollo and Coronis (kopove-crow long life) daughter of King Flegias, but as this was unfaithful to him and being pregnant, God killed with an arrow and then rip your child from the womb of his dead mother. Another version says that Flegias had a love affair with Apollo and gave birth in secret to Asclepius leaving it abandoned to their fate, and powered by a goat and care for a dog. Apollo
upbringing of Asclepius to the centaur Chiron, who taught him the art of medicine and to come to raise the dead. At death was elevated to God and was reflected in the constellation of the Snake (Ophiuchus) was highly revered in ancient times and was supposed to cure through the earth: The patient had to sleep on the ground and so would have a vision you would like to be cured of their ills.

symbolized by a serpent, and its emblem a stick around which is twisted. This emblem has become the caduceus medical class.

This symbol embodies the transformation by chthonic forces.

In at least one of the myths seen, we see represented the idea of \u200b\u200blife arising from death, as Asklepios was snatched from the womb of his dead mother. Idea is strengthened by the gift that God had this: the gift of healing, even back to life to the dead. Healing, rebirth, healing, "going back", all symbolic qualities of the snake. The cure was "prescribed" during sleep, the unconscious world and therefore of the inner-underground.


* Sources are at the foot of the page