Monday, October 6, 2008

Kerala Name For House In Sanskrit

Mexico: The Feast of Death.

We mortals all have to go, we will all die
on earth ...
like a painting, we will
all blurred.
Like a flower, we will dry

here on earth ... Meditate
, gentlemen eagles and tigers, although you are
jade, gold
although you, you will go there too

the place of rest.
We must wake up, nobody will be

Nezahualcoyotl, King and poet (1391-1472)

The feast of the dead is linked to the pre-Hispanic agricultural calendar, it is the party that was held when started the collection or harvest of corn, squash, beans and chickpeas. That is, is the first major post-season banquet shortages in previous months and that was shared with the dead. The celebration of Day of the Dead in Mexico, has a pre-Hispanic origin, that is, before the English arrived to the continent. No record that these celebrations, ethnic Mexican, Maya, Purépecha, Nahua and Totonac with a length of at least 3000 years.

The original festival that later turned into Day Dead is celebrated in early August and lasted about a month, the festivities were presided over by the goddess Mictecacíhuatl, known as the "Lady Death" and wife of Mictlantecuhtli, Lord of the land of the dead.

Lady Death


Ancient peoples believed that when people die, the soul traveled to other places to go this way the deceased was buried with a dog, which would help to cross a river and come to Mictlantecuhtli, who was to deliver, as an offering, torches and bundles of reeds perfume, cotton (Ixcatlán), red thread and blankets. Those who went to Mictlan (the other world) received as an offering, four arrows and four torches tied with cotton thread. Mictlan was composed of 9 sites, 8 were killed and challenges for the 9-the deepest, could achieve eternal rest.

Mictlan The nine dimensions were: 1 .- Apanohuaia

or Itzcuintlan: Here was a mighty river, the only way of crossing was by means of Xolotl. If life was not kind to a dog, the dead man was in this dimension for eternity. 2 .- Tepectli

Monamictlan: A place where the mountains collide yes. 3 .- Iztepetl

: Cerro blade, this place was strewn with flints. 4 .- Izteecayan

: Place where the wind blows the blades, this was a site with a saw consisting of eight hills and snowing heavily. 5 .- Paniecatacoyan

: A place where bodies float like flags, this place was at the foot of the hill last Izteecayan and there began a very cold desert area, consisting of eight wilderness that had to go. 6 .- Timiminaloayan

: The place where arrows, here said was a path unseen hands whose sides sent to shoot down arrows pointed to the interns. 7 .- Teocoyocualloa

: Where the beasts feed of hearts. In this passage, a wild beast opened the chest of the deceased to eat his heart, because without this body, the person fell into a pool which was fiercely pursued by an alligator. 8 .- Izmictlan

Apochcalolca: The Way of fog that blinds in this place had to wade through nine rivers before reaching the place where he waited for his break-threatening.
9 .- Here the souls found rest for your souls. It was the deepest places of the lords of death.

After passing all these obstacles, we come to the release of his tonalli (soul). The trip lasts four years posthumously.

Earth Lord of the dead.

For its part, the dead children had a special place called Chichihuacuauhco, where he was a tree whose branches dripped milk for that feed. Children who came here again destroy the earth when the race that lived there. In this way, death reborn life.
pre-Hispanic burials were accompanied by offerings that contained two types of objects: those who in life had been used by the dead, and you might need on its journey to the underworld. During

called Tlaxochimaco, was carried out Miccailhuitntli celebration or party called the dead ones, around 16 July. This festival began when he cut the tree in the forest called xocotl, which took away the bark, and they did flowers for decoration. In celebration involving all, and made offerings to the tree for twenty days.
In the tenth month of the calendar, is celebrated Ueymicailhuitl, or great festival of the dead. This celebration took place around August 5 when he said that fell on xocotl. At this festival processions were held which concluded with rounds around the tree.

With the arrival of the English, there was a syncretism with the Catholic church festivals, the first day of November marks the day of "All Saints" and the two on the "faithful departed" but even now the first date is reserved for the dead children, and the second for the dead adults. It has become a party representative of Mexico, where people honor their ancestors and is prepared to receive them once a year back home to his family.

Towns and cities are prepared in advance, and in some populations the Church bells announce the hour in which the souls of the dead return to the world, the place of meeting are the cemeteries. Large door-shaped structures are made of wood and covered with flowers cempoalxochitl, this flower is special because they say its characteristic smell has the ability to attract the souls of the dead, and through the aroma and can find their way back the world of the living and to meet their loved ones will be waiting with the dishes in life were his favorite. No food on the altars, the traditional "dead bread, candy, fruit, chocolate, tamales, mole, mezcal, is decorated with papel picado, candles, sugar skulls and placed copal incense. For children deceased are brought candy and toys. But it is a celebration would be sad or not, music is brought to enliven the night time.

Some people prefer to build altars in their home, then make a path of petals Cempoalxóchitl from the street to the door of his house, with candles on the sides so that their dead relatives are not lost the dark and can find their way back home. They put pictures of the family to be invited that night and the altar contains essentially the same as those that rise up in cemeteries or parks.

face of these days and nights full of memories and families of two worlds together is a bad idea not to pity those who no one remembers or expects, so also make offerings to "encourage one" to celebrate in the streets stands a niche where placed a candle, a glass of water and flowers.

Again, the bells of the church announced that the dead must return to another world, until next year.

When Death RIE

The truth is that for Mexicans, death is naturally intuited in everyday life, we know that walking on one side and created ways to keep a good relationship, we laugh at her, not as a joke, but as a friendly joke, shows that the famous "skulls" short and funny rhymes that are traditional, written as a mockery to show the ephemeral nature of life

English is

skull skull

Italian Maximilian



Roman pontiff and the cardinals

dukes, kings, councilors

and the head of the nation

in the tomb are the same:

skulls galore.



In a ceremony held in Paris, France on November 7, 2003 UNESCO honored the Indian holiday Day of the Dead as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

The distinction by UNESCO consider the festival is:

"... one of the most important representations of the living heritage of Mexico and the world, and as one of the oldest cultural expressions and more force among indigenous groups in the country. "

Also in the declaration document highlights:

"This annual meeting between people who celebrate and their ancestors, has a social function that remembers the individual's place within the group and contributes to the affirmation of identity ... "

" ... although the tradition is not formally threatened, their aesthetic and cultural dimensions must be preserved for the growing number of non-indigenous expressions of a commercial nature tend intangible affect its content. "

Dedicated to my daughter without fail, year after year the dead of night, lets his bis sweet cello and my great grandmother Antonia, which feed many stray dogs in the hope that help her cross the big river ...

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The truth about Halloween.

For thousands of years, the period that marks the halfway point between the autumnal equinox and solstice Winter has been identified as important in many cultures, this is because our ancestors were still able to notice and see what we see now because of our modern lifestyle. This period marked the end of the harvest and early winter when the days became shorter and the nights beginning the longest long, harsh winter.

In everyday life we \u200b\u200bthink it is not important the passage of the seasons, not to worry because the winter arrives and will have to go hunting, there is no longer the custom of honoring our ancestors and spirits visit is something you see on TV. However, despite the mirage of our modern security is still part of that whole has enveloped us since the beginning of time.

These parties in the present have turned to jokes and sweet, ruled by marketing, have different origins, one of them, Samhain was considered as the beginning of the Celtic year. Calendar divided the year into two halves, the dark half the lunar cycle which began in October-November (Samonios) and half clear that began with the April-May lunation (Giamonios). It was the dark half the year as beginning this without giving any negative connotation now gives the dark Christian influence. Understood the darkness as The Beginning and The End, the womb, where everything is created and where it will: in the loving arms of Mother Earth to be transformed death into new life. This is also why the spirits of the dead was a matter for them in this time of year: it was believed that the boundary separating the living and the dead disappeared in this time, and so the spirits could roam freely around the world. Food offered to the spirits for two purposes: one was to share with their families killed and another was to appease the wandering spirits that they could be evil spirits were not only the dead who could move into the world of the living but entities of another nature.

When Christianity triumphed over the pagan peoples, the efforts of the Catholic Church to remove these beliefs and traditions were not successful and that's how Samhain became the eve of All Saints "All hallows Eve" that contraction the word became "Halloween."

Herne the Hunter

All these fears and doubts were beginning to legends such as The Night Parade, whose theme is repeated in several places in Europe: Ireland, England, Wales and Scotland, as well as Germany, France and some parts of northern Peninsular (Iberian). The Hunter is the God of the Hunt and at the same time the God of death in Wales Gwyn ap Nudd was called and Ireland, Gaelic language Cumhaim Finn mac. The interesting thing about this myth is what hunting the hunter: souls. Yes, this person was in charge of collecting the souls of the dead in the battlefields. In some parts of England is called "Herne the hunter," perhaps his most famous name, and even today it is said that his appearance predicts some misfortune for the country or the monarchy.

The Legend of Jack: turnips, pumpkins!

The Irish had a habit of turnips to within a yard to light the way of their dead relatives and ward off evil spirits, which to come to America to find the pumpkins became in what is now Halloween pumpkins. A curious 18-century Irish tale picks up this tradition in the form of the famous Jack.

Many, many years, a mean and tough Irishman named Jack, had the misfortune to meet the devil in a tavern on Halloween. Jack, known drunk, drank a lot but could trick the devil offering his soul for a nightcap. The devil was transformed into a coin to pay the bartender, but Jack quickly took it and put it in your wallet. As Jack had a cross in his purse, the Devil could not return to its original shape. Jack would not go to hell until he promised not ask his soul in 10 years. The devil had no choice but to give Jack his claim.

Ten years later, Jack met the Devil in the countryside. The devil was ready to take the soul of Jack, but Jack thought quickly and said: "I will gladly, but before you do it, bring me the apple tree that is in that please?". The devil thought he had nothing to lose, and jumped reached the tree, but before the devil it knew, Jack had quickly carved a cross in the trunk of the tree, then the Devil could not come down.

the devil made him promise never to ask him his soul back. The devil had no choice but to aceptar.Jack died a few years later, but could not enter heaven, because during his life had been a gulf, a drunkard and a swindler. But when he tried to enter, at least, in the dreadful hell, the devil had to send it back because I could not take his soul (he promised). "Where will I go now?" Asked Jack, and the devil replied, "Go back where you came from."

The way back was dark and terrible wind would not let him see anything .. The Devil threw Jack a burning coal directly to hell, to be guided in the darkness, and Jack put in a turnip he was eating, so they do not go out with viento.Jack was doomed to wander forever in darkness. ..