Sunday, February 24, 2008

Good Conceited And Cocky Quotes

you get a. ...


or Knossos Knossos was the largest city
Minoan civilization that reached its peak in the second millennium BC. The Minoan civilization arose during the Bronze Age, and developed on the island of Crete. It was one of three principal cultures of Aegean civilization, along with the Cycladic, which took place in the Cyclades and the Mycenaean civilization.

Knossos Palace

The flagship building was the palace of Knossos, with its 17,000 m² and more than 1,500 rooms, was the main palace in the Cretan who wanted to see the headquarters of the legendary King Minos.

agglutinates whole complex around a central courtyard and is divided into two major groups, East and West, separated by two entrances to the north and south. Because of the way of building of the Minoans, gradually adding rooms, these runners are not in a linear arrangement, but are arranged randomly, following a tortuous path.
about religion did not have anthropomorphic deities (which would be very related to the cults of the Neolithic to the forces of nature), but the Great Mother Goddess, goddess of fertility also known as the Grand Lady of the Labyrinth, which is represented in traditional dress occasions with the Minoan and snakes in both hands, they also symbols of fertility of the land forces.

Goddess of Snakes

The palace was identified as the labyrinth Minos imprisoned the Minotaur, from which the myth of Theseus and his fight against horrible beast. Access to the palace from the western courtyard was made through a covered corridor, the western porch, where there was a cool relief to the theme of the game of the bull. The road went down a long hallway at an angle, the rider of the processions, so called because it is decorated with a fresco in which young men and women, natural size, carrying valuable offerings.

The whole feel of the Minoan palace is a maze and it is not strange, the corridors leading to actual dependencies and zigzag-shaped key, the steps are not straight, but often are shaped curve so that the visitor was led to their dependence and actual reliance by an indirect route with a detour.

Labyrinth yet in a Indo-European name (suffix-nth-) is not known whether it applied to the whole palace or a room where apparently a complex dance dancing (called the labyrinth), part the ritual of the Great Mother Goddess between light and darkness (life and death), the steps would be drawn on the ground marking the direction of the ball. This duality was also represented at the palace itself in its winding ways?

These "labyrinthine dances" were of an erotic nature with which honored the spring. Should be an imitation of ritual partridge hunting through booby-trapped mazes (such as truces) and dance in question represented the female partridge approaching the bait does, to the point that the dancers were limping and wearing wings on the back.

appears that the spring was carried out throughout the Mediterranean basin this erotic dance of the partridge.


* An Etruscan wine jar Tragliatella in which two heroes are riding, shows the religious theory about the dance of the partridge. The front rider is carrying a shield on which is drawn a partridge, and a demon of death sits behind him, the other hero carries a spear and a shield is painted a duck. Behind them is a labyrinthine pattern similar to that found not only in certain coins of Knossos, but also the intricate drawings on the grass and stepped on the British school Easter until the nineteenth century.

* On the island of Gothland, there is a design very similar to the circular maze that appears on coins from Knossos. These are found on islands in general, or near the sea coast, and was known by various names in different localities.

Fishermen and farmers say they were used games for kids: a girl standing in the middle while the boys were going along the winding roads, but said they were in any case, since antiquity, and believed that idea may have originated in the Bronze Age. This is clearly seen as repeating the idea of \u200b\u200bthe dance of the partridge and fertility.

Other similar studies have been found in Iceland, which consists of concentric circles of stones, sometimes with a cross in the center, which have long been known in the province of Brandenburg, Germany.
seem to have escaped the notice of most writers on the issue long before the nineteenth century these objects were described by an antique Swedish.

The names are given in the various localities where found are of some interest .. Around the coast of Finland Jatulintarha names (Near Giant) and Pietarinleikki (san pedro kit) predominate. About Helsingfors are more often called as "ruins of Jerusalem," "City of Nineveh," or "Walls of Jerusalem"

In Norway and Sweden are sometimes called Nunnentarha (Siege of the nun), Jungfrudans (Dance virgin), or Rundborg (Ronda Castle), and on an island in the Kattegat Trelleborg name (The castle of the giant or troll) is, but more often they are known by several names similar to the "city of Troy, as Trojin, Trojeburg, Trojenborg or Tröborg. Another name often associated with them Steintanz (Dance of stones) .. The maze is called Tröjeborg Wisby.


Game Trojan

According to Roman tradition was introduced in Italy Aeneas and his son Ascanius and then Alban kings taught and through them to the Romans. The game was a kind of procession or dance, in which some participants appear to have been mounted on horseback. Virgil makes a comparison between the intricate moves of the game and turns the Cretan labyrinth.


Val. Camonica, Italy. Crane Dance

The dance performed by Theseus and his friends on the island of Delos. So called probably due the attitude of the dancers looking like the cranes in flight, or perhaps because of real ornaments of the dancers. (A traveling German eighteenth century relates that the Ostiaks Russian Siberia had an elaborate dance of the crane, and that Dancers dressed as birds.)
Gerano back to the dance or the crane, it was said that this was a representation of the passage of Theseus in the labyrinth, entry and exit, following first the opposite direction to the sun and back then using a thread. In some accounts it is said that Ariadne was participating in this dance, in another only with other young Theseus in honor of Aphrodite.
The truth is that the crane dance has been made in many places, but that's what makes it so special? According
Nerissa Russell, associate professor of anthropology at the School of Arts and Sciences at Cornell, and Kevin McGowan, a research associate of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology in its letter: "Dance of the Cranes: Crane symbolism in Catalhoyuk and Beyond:
"The dance of the cranes is one of the most obvious signs of any social bird. It's amazing and impossible to overlook - for people today, as well as cultures ago thousands of years, "is a dance that involves running, marching and jumping in the air, flapping their wings strong, stop and start branching into the air.
In ancient Anatolia, in what is now Turkey were found wings of cranes of eighty-five centuries old with holes in them in what was presumably a kind of bird costume for a dance ritual, think this because the holes were not made as a way to break up the wing or the removal of flesh rather to pass a rope through the holes and surround the arms or the dancers, according to Russel. The wings were encontrandas in the company of other unusual items: a cow's horn, two horns of wild goats, the skull of a dog and a head of a stone hammer as a weapon.
primitive matrilineal societies in girls perform ceremonies transit appear soon after menarche (first menstruation). To prepare, instruct the wise to play the role of adult.
After participating in rites of puberty in the spring, when the New Year begins in many primitive cultures, at the time of planting the crop, when vegetation renewed and open flowers. For this rite girls are believed to symbolically die and be reborn as women, or that they will renovate and open like flowers. Participate in a ritual dance of union with boys, imitating the courtship dances choreographed birds, while encourage each other with chants. "The earliest known are the dances of love imitating certain species of birds, and character of gymnastics" (Encyclopedia, U., Volume 7, 1988: 210).
During the celebration, like female birds choose the future spouse, girls choose their partner or boyfriend and then go to have sex after the bushes. In some regions, boys and girls dance together. In others, children, beautifully dressed to increase the possibility of being elected, they dance in front of girls (in imitation of the male birds choreographers in the courtship displays, display the beauty of their breeding plumage color has changed compared to other stations). Sometimes make rhythmic movements and staging sexual intercourse with either the head or whole body.
During the prelude to the mating dances in certain regions, young people choose to the most handsome guys linked by his neck with one of your ties, or your scarf or your necklace garlands. In other regions that choose to have more "tail" (a word that also applies to the male sexual organ). Similar to the criteria of beauty or the size of the pens that encourages females of different species of birds choreographers to choose their male consorts: Depending on the view and grandeur to unfold the tail fan (as in the alpine ptarmigan or ptarmigans) or the length of the tail feathers (as in birds VUID / als of Senegal and Paradise or earwigs, which at the time they grow two very long nuptial plumes).
The "Danza de la Pava" in Peru today "Tondero" which was danced in time before the discovery by Tallan indigenous culture. "Take note that our tondero Ornitomórfico choreography has a profile mimicking the movements of the kettle in a ceremonial mating (picking the side skirt from the bottom up and with both hands toward the back like a tail and simulating an approach determined body union). " (Riofrio, 2003).
In Guarani peoples, Paraguay aborigines, dance dance "Tango", in which men dance together and separated women also dance together. (The real choreography of courtship the male tanager bird or dancer, in their courtship displays, is placed on a branch and displayed a male after other in front of a female representations repeating until the female decides who will be his consort). There are other dance related Paraguayan origin of birds courtship: "Cielito Chopi" Chopi eponymous bird, pigeon, black bird with yellow breast and red of the Upper Parana,
In Santiago del Estero, Salta and Tucuman, Argentina dance Quichua original dance called "Pala Pala" Crow "in which a man imitates the courtship of a crow to your partner. In Jujuy, Argentina to dance the dance of "Queo", in which the dancers dance imitating the movements of a wild bird, dance legacy of Aboriginal Jujuies.

In Chile there is a dance called "sin" in which the pair of dancers mimic his arms and feet movements of the couple's courtship eponymous bird. In the initiation ceremonies for girls of Aonikenk or Tewelches of Chile, the men ran: "... the Dance of the ostriches. The men intended to participate in the ceremony went straight from an awning. With his body covered head skins and ostrich feathers, began to circle around the fire as close as touching, and retreating movements imitating the walk of the ostriches and guanacos. " (Navarro and Munoz, 2002).

Friday, February 22, 2008

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Friday, February 8, 2008

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The Spiral and The Bee

Game of the Goose

The game is a spiral consisting of 63 squares. The number 7 multiplied by 9 gives us 63, and each box with the number 9 and its multiples have the image of a goose.

other hand the writer Rafael Herrera Alarcón, author of "The Other Spain's Temple," "In the Shadow of the Templars, Puzzles Magic of Spain" among others, states that the goose game consists of 64 boxes and not 63 as stated: "The correct number of boxes is 64. Of these, 63 are numbered and the last, 63, is the Gate of the Garden of the Goose, the garden itself has no number but accounts for 64. But, as center Mystical, not numbers ever. 6 + 4 = 10 1 + 0 = 1, Unity, the One, the Invisible.
is a confusion created by printers, making the board without knowing the ancestral tradition. The board has suffered many strains in modern times we use to study the oldest "esoteric

Some believe the Game of the Goose, is a symbolic map of the Camino de Santiago encryption, where the Templars and Partners Builders, marked places that had a particular significance. It would be a rebus, where the symbols were known to the initiates of the Order, and that allowed an understanding to all Knights of the Order regardless of the language of each. Those who attribute its origin to the Templars, with the theory that, they would use for their leisure time in Jerusalem, the shells of the "Nautilus", which assigned him apart from the recreational component, a cryptographic message that only certain members of the Order, were able to decipher. On this, Rafael Alarcón explains:

"The Templars, can they played at the Goose, as everyone in the Middle Ages. But they did not invent the game, the game comes from classical antiquity at least. This is a fake news "thank you" to the Internet runs like wildfire.
Similarly, the game is not a "map" Camino de Santiago, both paths have points in common, they respond to a similar symbolism are mutually influenced, but the game is not the Way. This fanciful and misguided interpretation comes from intellectual speculation, some authors did for the 70 and 80 of the last century, about the symbolism of the Game of the Goose. "

Origins of the Game Oca :

Phaistos Disc

The discovery of the Phaistos Disc in 1908 in the ruins of Palace of Crete (Greece) opened a new line of research on the origins of the game. Phaistos disc belongs to the Middle Minoan III period and so their age must be within the range from 1580 to 1700 BC C. It consists of a clay disk, circular and about 16 cm. in diameter and 2.1 cm. thick. Both sides of the disk containing spiral paths, which are divided into 30 and 31 boxes, which appear in several drawings, among which we can appreciate the figure of 8 birds, which could well be geese. Hieroglyphs representing
Characters: men, women and children in body, bare heads and helmets.
Animals: fish, birds.
Plants: flowers, swords
Miscellaneous objects: containers, weapons, ships ...

There have been many theories about the meaning of this record, some historians think the Phaistos disc reproduces a letter: a hymn (Fernández, 2001), whose characters would be the script (pictographic script representing identifiable objects) that was used in Crete in the time that was modeled and recorded around 1700 BP. O is considered as a matrix for the cymbals. We read in the Encyclopedia U. Volume 23 (1988, 101): "In Faistos was discovered the famous album of that name and, according to Dr. Pernier, is a matrix of cymbals used in traditional rites of a great goddess, which was recorded in the invocation that the worshipers would sing it. Contains a hymn in verses docmíacos dedicated to Minerva. "(Being the docmio, a foot consisting of a verse poetry short, two long and two short and 8 units in length).

The Symbol of The Goose

Goose's name has been kept in various European linguistic expressions. In Spain, has kept the name Oca, but most used the term goose ansar
The problem to decipher the myth of Paw has been unable Oca mostly because of the many stories on it are counted, leading to confusion and sometimes contradiction.

Robert Laffont, in his "Dictionary of Symbols", indicates that the Goose was very important in the Egypt of the pharaohs. For example, the hieroglyph of Geb, heir to the throne of Horus, is a goose and a leg. He adds that when the pharaohs were identified with the sun, his soul was represented in the form of a goose, as is the sun Oca hatched early.

also expressed that the geese were seen as messengers between heaven and earth. The advent of a new king was announced, among other rituals, releasing four geese to the four directions.

To the Celts, the goose was also a messenger from another world. The Romans, meanwhile, paid him special attention, as were the geese, the geese of the Capitol, which warned in time a surprise attack. Charpentier

any mythology says that the goose is a symbol that reflects the "insider" and it is given from the earliest times. Goose is usually symbolized by his leg, which seems right as this was the principal hallmark of her.

This sign of the Goose is also the story of a Queen Pedauque (goose foot) with a sense of "initiation." This Queen Pedauque (not to be confused with the story of Queen Patojo, variant also goose foot) seems to be originating from the region of Toulouse in the French side of the Pyrenees. This seems right, because after the innovations of the barbarians, and perhaps before, there is only one way of initiation in the West and its tradition is in the Pyrenees, the Cantabrian coast and the coast of the estuaries of Galicia to the open Atlantic . Charpentier
make a real journey through the initiatory path acknowledging the permanence of geese throughout their length.

"But we discovered (...) goose with its original name Oca or Indo-European version of "goose" or "loop"

"In the region of Jaca, origin of the road, so we" Anso "in the" valley of Anso "crashed not far from the" barracks Lizarra "(instead of stars in Basque language). We return to find it again in the nomination of two streams, which bear his name and took him: the river "oja" Alfredo Gil River was originally believed that the river "goose" and who gave his name to the "Rioja" then another "river Oca, Montes de Oca, where there is a" Peak Piedraja "that it seems to be "Stone Jars (goose), not far from a" Ocon, "which is quite expressive."

In the course of the Camino de Santiago, there are two areas in which populations persist name: Duck, Goose, Ansar, Jar .. The Rioja region of Villafranca Montes de Oca. Berciana area from El Ganso to Vega de Valcarce.

Mari, númen main Basque mythology is represented in many different ways, you may receive from a lady dressed in red satin, even as a village more often
identifiable by having a foot of duck or goose (which described as Lamia Queen of the fairies for excellence in Euskal Herria). The lamias are nocturnal creatures that have a female anthropomorphic figure, but her feet are actually legs, usually palmípeda.Viven bird on the banks of rivers, where they often dip when they detect human presence, but there is a legend too extended counts as a pastor and a lamia fell in love.

* Bertha, Queen Pedauque French folklore, is the queen Visigoth Ragnachilde, Eurico wife, was later identified Bertrana, the mother of Charlemagne, which was famous for her deformed foot. In the tomb of Pedauque is an allegorical figure that has made the legend speaks of a Goose Pie Queen lying there, turning what should have been a foot deformity in poultry.
Legend Pedauque attributed to order the construction of a bridge. Berta or Bertrana is famous for being a benefactor of children, so the mob turned in no less than the fabled Mother Goose. Hertha is Queen Pie de Oca that builds and governs the bridge, but she is also the same bridge. This has survived in Christian clothing, such as the Puente de la Reina de interesting name-in Navarra, in the middle of which is a chapel dedicated to a Black Madonna and protects a crucifix with the figure of the symbol peculiar Pie de Oca